• Biotensor consult 60-75 min. - AWG 175/€90,-

  •  Reiki incl. DNA activation and meditation 60/75 min AWG 175,- /€90,-

  • Biotensor Package 3 sessions- AWG 472,50- (10% discount)/€247,-

  • Family constellation one-on-one 60-75 min. AWG 175/€90,-

  • Constellation (live with representatieve) AWG 450,- 1,5-2 u

  • Organisation Constellation workshop starts at AWG 500,- (depends on the time 2u/ half day/ 1 day)

  • Pregnancy Guidance Package: AWG 472,50 /€247,- 

 *1st trimester: addressing potential pregnancy nausea and pain complaints

*2nd trimester: how are the mother and child feeling now? Can we also establish contact with the unborn baby?

*3rd trimester: are the mother and child ready for childbirth/birth?