Biotensor Consultation


The Biotensor is a measuring and testing instrument developed by the German philosopher DR. J. Oberach. The Biotensor measures the energetic frequency of our body.

Every person has a unique body frequency. If you say something, your body will align with that. You will then see a YES movement from the Biotensor.

The moment you say something incorrect or incongruent, your body will respond with a stress response, and the Biotensor will turn to NO.

In this way, the Biotensor immediately translates the vibration of the present energy into an accurate depiction. 

What to test with the Biotensor?

  • Pain relief
  • Not feeling well
  • Remove or add energy
  • Track down and unlink emotions. Which organ is out of balance, and which emotion is linked to it?
  • Dietary supplements. Which food supplements are best to take?
  • Nutrition testing: which foods are and are not suitable for you now?
  • Allergies 
  • Do you suffer from radiation from your phone and devices? And how you can reduce the radiation with simple steps.
  • Complaints during pregnancy
  • Crybabies. Babies do cry, but does your baby cry more than average, and do you feel more is happening?  Since you can ask the Biotensor anything, you will clearly understand what is bothering your child. 
  • Sleeping problems/nightmares
  • Family Constellations
  • Specializations in the female cycle, the desire to have children, and born-only twins
  • Organ Clock
  • Growing up, problems with children such as sleep problems, ars, eating prob bed-wetting, felems, anger attacks and tantrums, etc.

*Even if you do not live in Aruba, the Biotensor consultations can be done via video. And work just as powerfully as with a personal appointment


Experience the transformative power of Reiki, a healing journey that embraces the subtle universal life energy. During a Reiki session, we create a sacred moment where healing energy flows through my hands. You, as the recipient, lie adorned in an aura of gentleness.

Healing hands intuitively rest on areas of the body where life force is most welcome. This is not just a touch but a loving transmission of cosmic energy that softens blockages, restores energy flow, and opens the gateway to your inner healing.

Reiki is more than a mere treatment; it is a ritual of self-love, a moment of deep connection with the source of life. It extends beyond physical well-being, embraces emotional balance, and nurtures the essence of who you are. Discover the harmony of Reiki and let the energy of healing guide you on your holistic journey to well-being.


Unlocking the potential of DNA activation 🧬 can bring forth a range of positive effects:

1. **Elevated Spiritual Awareness:** Activating specific segments of DNA may lead to a profound understanding of spiritual concepts and an enhanced self-awareness.

2. **Energetic Balance:** Facilitating a smoother flow of energy throughout the body can foster a sense of balance and harmony, both physically and spiritually. This can potentially elevate the body's frequency.

3. **Heightened Intuition:** Activated DNA is sometimes linked to an increased intuitive capacity, enhancing insight and decision-making abilities.

Experiencing the potential of accelerated spiritual growth through DNA activation can catalyze a rapid evolution of consciousness and personal development.

Remember, the way you interpret these benefits is unique to your own beliefs and experiences.


Preparing for Parenthood

Are you and your partner eager to start a family but facing challenges on the journey to parenthood? Welcome to my holistic fertility guidance, where I offer a unique perspective on the path to conception.

Fertility involves the physical aspect and the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Inspired by the five elements—Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood—I aim to create an environment where fertility can thrive.

My approach starts with the understanding that all parties involved—the mother, father, and the unborn baby's soul—must be prepared for this incredible journey. To achieve this, I explore the following aspects:

  • Balancing the Elements: Just as nature maintains equilibrium, I work with you to align the elements in your life. From passionate desire (Fire) to nurturing stability (Earth), clarity (Metal), adaptability (Water), and growth (Wood), we ensure that every facet of your life is in harmony.

  • Healing the Womb: The uterus, the cradle of life, should be free from trauma, stress, and the lingering effects of past experiences. I focus on creating a welcoming womb environment and ready to embrace new life.

  • Relationship Well-Being: The bond between partners is crucial. I help you build a stable and secure relationship, providing a nurturing environment where your future child can thrive. Sometimes, we may explore family dynamics through constellations to uncover hidden issues.

  • Exploring Father's Role: Recognizing the father's role in the fertility journey is essential. We also examine potential blockages or challenges on the father's side to ensure a comprehensive approach.

  • Communication with the Unborn: My approach centers on the beautiful connection between you and your unborn child. During our consultations, I ask for permission to communicate with your future baby's soul. This allows us to explore any messages or insights your baby may have for you, strengthening the emotional connection before conception.

I aim to support and guide you on this journey toward parenthood, offering a holistic approach that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. I understand that each person's path is unique, and I am here to help you find your equilibrium, aligning all the elements necessary for the miracle of conception.

Embark on this transformative journey with me and discover the beauty of holistic fertility—where every aspect of life comes together, paving the way for new beginnings. Your dream of parenthood is within reach, and I am here to help you make it a reality.

Family and Organizational Constellations

Through systemic work, such as family and organizational constellations, we offer live sessions that help uncover hidden patterns and dynamics.

Family Constellations: Discover the unconscious patterns within your family that influence your life. This method helps to find clarity and balance by revealing the underlying causes of personal and relational challenges.

Organizational Constellations: Gain insight into the systemic forces within your organization that impact collaboration and communication. With organizational constellations, we create an environment where change and growth are possible.

Our constellations are live sessions where participants interact directly with each other. This provides a profound and authentic experience, revealing family or team dynamics.

I guide you through this process with an open approach and a safe, trusted environment. Discover how systemic work can positively change your personal and professional life.

If you would like to read more about organizational constellations, click here to receive the eBook: Inzicht in het onzichtbare - Door Willeke Goedgedrag